Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Helping employees become US citizens

Happy 4th of July!!

There is always a surge of patriotism in July, as Americans celebrate Independence Day and pause to remember the founding of this great country.  

Does your company have employees who are working towards citizenship?  Any business who has employees who are preparing for their citizenship exam should consider hosting a Workplace ESL Solutions' Citizenship Preparation Course!

Show your eligible employees that you're as invested as they are in the process of their U.S. Citizenship interview by offering them the opportunity for qualified and focused instruction on relevant subject matter through their work place.  

Employees passing the citizenship exam will not only appreciate you, but have an increased sense of loyalty and pride that they bring with them each day to the workplace.

What do you do to help your international employees feel at home here in the good 'ole USA?  How do you help them learn about America?
We'd love to hear your ideas!

For more information, go to:

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