Monday, May 7, 2012

Workplace ESL is getting even more social!

Learning a foreign language is a very social enterprise.  It involves the desire to communicate with others, and then lots and lots of practice!  Our classes are VERY interactive because you just can't learn a language effectively out of a text book.  Each class is filled with games, contests, discussions, role-plays, songs, and all kinds of fun activities to keep the students SPEAKING their new language!

I love that our theme is "Making Success the Common Language."  Our goal is to get students speaking and communicating fast!

Workplace ESL Solutions is now even more social because you can find us everywhere online!

We'd love for you to LIKE us on Facebook! 

If you work in a hotel, you know how crucial it is to be able to communicate with customers, vendors, and staff.  Workplace ESL offers language courses in Spanish and English.  We've also created a fun new LinkedIn group to discuss the  challenges that are unique to the hotel industry.  We'd love to have you join in on the discussion at:

Check out our new YouTube channel, where you can learn more about what Workplace ESL Solutions is all about, plus see some of our teachers and students in action!

To learn even more about us, check out our home page at

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